A Play about the true story of the life of Cynthia Lennon - a musical featuring a live band and six brand new songs - will be staged at The Hope Street Theatre in Liverpool during International Beatle Week, between 24th and 30th August 2020.
‘This Girl’ tells the true story of Cynthia Powell — a shy student from Hoylake who fell in love with a young musician called John when they met at Liverpool Art College in 1957. She became Cynthia Lennon, his wife, and mother of their son, Julian.
The play, which is also a musical featuring original songs, charts the emotional journey of Cynthia’s life before, during and after Beatlemania. It tells the story of a lovely person whose life was full of good times and bad times, but also one peppered with laughter and humour.
This latest production from local playwright, Mike Howl, tells the story of Cynthia Lennon like never before and will offer audiences from across the globe a captivating night of entertainment during International Beatle Week.
(inc admission fee) Plus no fulfilment fee per order