


(incl. administration fee) plus £2.55 fulfilment fee per order.



The Feral Choir is the name for a group of singers formed for a particular performance, so for this particular performance, the choir is formed in Liverpool. Leading the Feral Choir is internationally acclaimed vocalist Phil Minton. As well as pursuing his own performing career as a vocalist, Minton has a wealth of experience as a choral director, leading others to find new areas of expression. This performance will be an example of such a collaborative exploration.

Juxtavoices is an ‘anti-choir’ of about twenty-five voices whose repertoire includes members' own compositions and arrangements of modernist poems and found texts. The scores provide a structure, but elements of improvisation shape the details so that no two performances will ever be the same. Poetry is sound allied to meaning, and a multi-voice ensemble offers a fascinating way to hear this. Directed by Martin Archer and Alan Halsey, Juxtavoices uniquely combines the outer reaches of improvised music and innovative poetry.

For anyone interested in what people can create together using the most natural instrument, the human voice, this concert is for you.


(incl. administration fee) plus £2.55 fulfilment fee per order.

